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Official launch May 1st  2018

Sign up today and gain access to our clubs breeder list and all other activities 

Operating in the USA & Canada 


Point Systems

Bi-Yearly Newsletters 

Club State and Regional Meets

with Special Meets available 

Club awards! Member point tracking!

Member shirts $21.00 free shipping
additional stickers $5.00 each

Member shirts available trough email request or on entry form - for entry form add additional cost to your total and requested size on top of form

Official Club entry form 

Free vinyl bumper sticker! one for each new sign up


our work is our passion, a labor of love

Our work


Poultry club for hamburg exhibitors 


H.C.N.A - was founded in early 2018 after the official disbandment of the North America Hamburg society. the NAHS had its ups and downs over the years and with it coming to a close there was an out cry from so many members that a group of breeders and hamburg exhibitors were brought together by Rik Deihs of IL along with him are 3 directors two of which were club directors at different times for the NAHS and a past NAHS secretary. these 4 men came together and are working as a team to give us all the best possible poultry club.


I believe without the experience of Dwight Morgan, Larry Rauert, and Trevor MacDonald and the excitement and hard work of Rik Deihs and more than a few other outside helpers this club wouldn't be possible. we as a club and as a whole look forward to moving this group ahead for the sake of our love of hamburgs large and small. along with our excitement for the club its self we are bringing a few programs we think will bring us all closer together and make this club and the breed its self stronger than its been in a long time.


don't forget to become a full paid member to take part in all club activities and updated on events, and join us on Facebook!



PO Box 254

Wilmington, IL 60481


Email us at


Join us on Facebook! (linked on this page with FB icon)


Special Thank you to:

Mama Made Designs (on FB) - decals & shirts

Leigh Schilling Edwards - Photographer and Artist (logo design)


Phil Bratz, Larry Parr, Jeff Halbach, Terry Britt, Nate Rynish,

Raven Myers, Curtis Stover, First mid-west bank,

and many more Thank You ALL



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HCNA LLC. 2018

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